❤ Where to find me? 🪐
❤ What's my design philosophy? 📚
People can design their lives. For me, I design my life by making plans, conducting plans, receiving feedback, doing reflections and adjusting strategies.
Design for empowerment. I enjoy the moments of fulfilling my dream and want to empower others through my design. I want to help people become more mindful, confident and empowered.
Design never ends. Handing in deliverables to the development team is just a beginning. I always care about feedback from users and data performance, with which I keep iterating my design and making an improvement.
The bigger impact, the bigger responsibility. As designers, our designs influence more than millions of users thus we need to take our social responsibility.
❤ How did I become a designer? 🎨
There is a Chinese saying called “念念不忘,必有回响”, which means "Never give up your faith and you will achieve something in the future". When I was 15 years old, a Calligraphy teacher told me that "Everybody designs life for him/herself". Since then, I formed a very broad concept of "Design".
Before my college, I lived a life as most Chinese students did — spend most of their time on Arts and Science classes and exams. 10 years ago, people stereotyped Art and Design as living methods only for those who can not do well in exams.
I majored in Translation and Interpreting at Fudan University, however, with design thinking in my mind and driven by curiosity, I kept exploring career possibilities like a curator, advertising man, UI designer, copywriter, etc.
Finally, I found being a designer is the perfect choice for me! I enjoy solving problems by getting my hands dirty with my interdisciplinary background and design is the best way to help me achieve my dreams.
❤ What are my core areas in design expertise? ✨
UX Design & Strategy, Interaction Design, Visual Design, Service Design, Illustration....and I never limit myself to titles.